Soul Power Brooklyn Style

Miss Wit had a fun family filled weekend, laced with a soulful Soul Power opening at the Sunshine Theater in NY - where they did a dance like James Brown, win a Miss Wit tee contest and everything!  Zaire 74 tee sightings all over town. (Okay fine that is a mild exaggeration but it is also somewhat true too as some folks round town have testified legally saying so!)

As the 2 or 3 of you who follow this blog (har har) by now know, Miss Wit and the woman behind Miss Wit, who strives to not mention her own name as part of a third person reality don't vote me off the island kind of game - procured, or secured or delicately proposed that she recreate the original Zaire '74 logo, seen prominently through out the now released concert documentary Soul Power.  

Folks sit outside Madiba

She went to an anniversary screening of When We Were Kings about a year ago - and introduced herself to director Jeff Levy- Hinte.  

She among other things is the proud niece of that dude you see in When We Were Kings who says that delightful play on words ( hmmm might we invoke a study on the genetics of wit?) "We going in Zee Air to Zaire."  (Stewart Levine)

Coyly a few weeks later she contacted said director "hey if you ever want to remake that shirt, you knowwwww we do things like that over here."

Few  months later we make some smashing tees for Mr. LH and he gives them out at the premiere of Soul Power at the Toronto Film Festival September 2008! 

Few more of a few more months later, Soul Power gets it's rightful festival recognition and as the way one hopes these things go...distribution, whoo hoo!  

So Miss Wit is all like "man we gots to make and sell these shirts." I feels it in my bones, people dig em, you should sell em.  Well, said director, is a director not a schmata salesmen so he says, in not these exact words at all so don't quote this please - "you do it!"

Okay fine, blah blah yadda yadda ( sure when writing a blog you should have words to use but, words are so over rated) Consider this the montage segment - proposals written, email fades, phone conversations, numbers being crunched, colors being matched, shirt styles strewn across floors, signatures, contracts and VOILA - Miss Wit has the License to Funk.   And the games begin.  And she thanks Jeff and Uncle Stewy for conduit-ing things.  ( We make up words here, you know this).

And so the energy was high this weekend over at Madiba Restaurant in Ft. Greene Brooklyn - The bartender style cat-ed up her tee and is looking down right foxy, we thought....Thanks Madiba!

This is Miss Wit's niece at Madiba, she is cute.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love my tank baby, thank you.
And, the movie...phenomenal thanks for letting me be part of the premiere.