Scott Turner & Miss Wit Soul Power Quiz Night Sensation!

Greetings Pub Quiz Mustelidae Family Members...

As you make your way to Red Hook for tonight's Rocky Sullivan's Pub Quiz, think about this breaking news item from Germany:

BERLIN (Reuters) - A badger in Germany got so drunk on over-ripe cherries it staggered into the middle of a road and refused to budge, police said on Wednesday. A motorist called police near the central town of Goslar to report a dead badger on a road -- only for officers to turn up and discover the animal alive and well, but drunk.

Police discovered the nocturnal beast had eaten cherries from a nearby tree which had turned to alcohol and given the badger diarrhoea. Having failed to scare the animal away, officers eventually chased it from the road with a broom.
Germany deals with its drunken-badger problem, as another soused inebriate sleeps it off...

Back in Brooklyn, where over-ripe cherries haven't become the public menace they are in Germany, we celebrate tomorrow night's opening of the film Soul Power with our first-ever Rocky Sullivan's Pub Quiz MissWit Soul Power Extravaganza.  Questions, Photo Round and Music Round all dedicated to the famous Rumble in the Jungle heavyweight fight between Muhammed Ali and George Foreman and its sister concert featuring James Brown, Bill Withers, Celia Cruz and The Spinners.

MissWit will be on hand to award official merchandise from the film, including Zaire 74 tee-shirts like the ones worn by musicians and crew members 35 years ago.

If the weather holds, and it's not too chilly, we'll be up on the Rocky's roof-deck for a Quiz 'Neath The Stars.  Upstairs or downstairs, insider or out, Soul Power comes to Red Hook tonight!

...and ask Tony the Bartender for his Deutsche überreife Kirschen drink special.


Scott M.X.
Rocky's quizmaster

* * * * * * * *

Rocky Sullivan's Quiz
General Knowledge Night
with Quizmaster Scott M.X. Turner
TONIGHT, July 9th
8:00 p.m, on the Rocky's roof-deck, weather permitting
free admission, potable prizes, per chance wearable winners and aural awards
Rocky Sullivan's
34 Van Dyke Street
Red Hook, Brooklyn
F/G to Smith/9th Street -or- F/R to 4th Avenue/9th Street Stations 
transfer for the B77 Bus to corner of Van Dyke & Dwight Street, Red Hook
free Ikea shuttle buses and ferries, go here for more info:

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