Tees Left on the Chopping Room Floor Poll

When a celeb goes crazy, Miss Wit is general there....

So naturally upon hearing about our not so favorite "celeb" Mel Gibson's rants, we felt it was our duty to step up to the pop-cultural plate.   We created a t-shirt design - that we thought was kind of funny, ya know.  But upon further thinking we realized, Mel is such a hateful person, gross on so many levels.  His foibles are laced more in despicable hateful behavior and views, ( if we may judge seriously for a moment) that we figured, would any want this guys mug on their chest?    Furthermore we have far too much respect for the Vuvuzela, to have insulted it quite this way!!
So - we present the design that never made it to the silkscreening plate...

For your unabashed *judgement...
What do you think? Would you wear this? Poll to the right....

Copyright BoltCutter & MissWit 

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