Noooorm! Tonight, Everyone Will Know Your Name

From Resident Designer and QuizMaster extra awesomeness Scott MX Turner comes this special announcement.
Tonight October 5, 2009 at Rocky Sullivans in Red Hook (

Greetings Pub Quiz Celebrity Drinkerphants...

If you've ever thought "hmmm, I'd like to have a drink with Norm, the corner-of-the-bar guy on Cheers," now's the time and tonight's the night.

George Wendt, a semi-regular at Rocky's, will be with us in Red Hook tonight -- that's TONIGHT -- from 8pm to 9pm.

Let's put it this way -- George Wendt is the real deal.  He was the perfect casting for Norm, Cheer's barstool sage.  A friend of Rocky's, Wendt always makes the evening soar.

Making the evening soar even higher, it's the Rocky's Monday night Traditional Irish Music Seisiun -- Irish music bearing the marks of old Ireland and today's Brooklyn.

What's wrong with New York City these days?  No one does spur-of-the-moment things anymore.  What's right  about George Wendt pulling and putting away pints at Rocky's?  It's the perfect spur-of-the-moment night.


Scott M.X.
Rocky's quizmaster

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