How Could We Miss Abstinence Only Lobby Day?

Ahhh Miss Wit was slacking in her abstinence only lobby day responsibilities, all caught up in the changes on Facebook and what not. As Jessica from reminds us, yesterday was:
March 11, 2009
"Today the National Abstinence Education Association is having their annual Capitol Hill lobby day. They're planning on meeting with legislators to ask them to continue funding ineffective, inaccurate, misleading and dangerous abstinence only education.

Amplify Your Voice has the full story and a call to action:

This is where you come in: the progressive blogosphere, the reproductive justice community, and youth advocates. We have to make sure that the NAEA's message is not the only side of the story that Congress hears tomorrow. For every lobbyist that a representative gets in their office tomorrow morning, we need 100 letters from our side to counter them.
I urge you to send this letter to your Congressperson, asking them to defund abstinence-only-until-marriage programs.

After a decade of these ineffective programs spending $1.5 billion to misinform and endanger the sexual health of countless youth, it is time to finally bring change to Washington and America.

Word. Please start writing those emails now - and send this link to your friends and ask them to do the same!"

And, how shocking to learn that Bristol and Levi are not going to make it as a couple?

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