Reflection on Election Reflections

Miss Wit is excited to be part of an exhibit in Chicago called Dispatch  in mid February that takes note to the validity, if you will, of the t-shirt as a form of expression, protest if you will. 

While working on  a statement about the motivation to make an "anti -palin" shirt, again, if you will. The Miss flittered through the email box, and was reminded of a few visceral moments - and her own response to the most "Lord of the Flies" night of the RNC.  Indeed she is dust in the wind....
See below....

Happy MLK Day, Happy Inauguration Day. Dreams Dreams Dreams...

Sept 4, 2008

I know I know too much politics, too many emails. But if you watched even a second of the RNC last night, you too may be feeling a similar outrage. After two minutes of hearing Mitt and Huck last night, among other things (like my blood boiling over) I walked over to the computer, and sent a donation to Obama's campaign. Again.

Last night was like Lord of the Flies at the RNC - chaos with the conch! By the end of Giuliani's speech alone - whether disguised or out right, he and the room (a "community" of sorts one might argue) out right laughed at community organizing and thus in essence - regular folks, the marginalized and minority groups alike - inspired chants of "drill now, drill now" and essentially cut off and slung insults at I dare say more than half the country's population in one way or another! I am offended, to the core.

That was before Palin's smug, sneering, self righteous person- even took the stage. She may be a woman, but she smells of old boys club, more than the old boy's club locker room! Then, she too bashed the notion of community organizing as a legit practice, as if organizing and community and the people were not the very foundation that this country of America she wants to defend, was built on. And yet what of her special needs child that she paraded out last night? (Her family is your business when she says so!). How does Palin think children and families have gained policies, rights and assistance, if not through community organizing? How did women get the right to vote, if not by community organizing? What exactly does she think the PTA is or even Hockey Moms for that matter? News flash - communities, organized! How did the RNC gather ( sigh) those people last night, if not through community organizing?

The over all insult, the disgusting bash is that in one foul swoop, she insulted the history of this country, she insulted labor rights, she insulted the right of the voiceless to gather and fight through opaque politics. She insulted the meaning of the word they keep saying in vain - change! Sure, she insulted Barack, in the most pathetic examples, and mostly in response to criticisms the media has given her, not his campaign! However, and more importantly, she insulted the voice of the American people. She insulted the struggles and triumphs of millions of people through current life and history. What happened to a thousand points of light?

News Flash to Palin - one of your very party leaders in his inaugural address said this:
"I have spoken of a thousand points of light, of all the community organizations that are spread like stars throughout the Nation, doing good. We will work hand in hand, encouraging, sometimes leading, sometimes being led, rewarding. We will work on this in the White House, in the Cabinet agencies" (GB 1989)"

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